Why Every Podiatrist Should Invest In the iPhone

Why Every Podiatrist Should Invest In The iPhone
iPhone Picture Medical
Picture Credit naaree.com

Podiatry, as a profession, has greatly benefitted from the advancements made in mobile technology say Dr. Praveen Vohra from www. http://www.sorefeetusa.com.  iPhones have become an important tool for the podiatrists who can use them in some varied ways. Given that this is a profession that requires them to maintain accurate details, the iPhone camera becomes a very handy tool. An iPhone camera is thus an ideal instrument for the podiatrists for the following reasons.

Easy Access

A podiatrist needs to be able to take quick pictures without having to toggle around the menu looking for the camera icon. An iPhone makes it easier to access the camera even from a locked screen. All the podiatrist has to do is swipe the screen up, and voila, the camera opens up.

Quick access means that he or she is in a better position to attend to many patients within a limited time frame. No time is wasted trying to figure out how the camera functions or where it can be found.

Presence of the Grid

Turning on the grid will allow each podiatrist to take well-composed pictures. It comprises of two horizontal and vertical lines dividing the screen into three parts.

It is an excellent tool that allows the doctor to apply the rule of thirds with ease. It helps keep the horizon straight when shooting the foot pictures.

Ability to Shoot Pictures in Shutter Mode

Every doctor needs to take more than one picture for comparison purposes. For a foot doctor, it becomes, even more, important to take many pictures, at different angles within a few seconds of having observed it. The burst mode makes this a possibility.

All a doctor has to do is hold the shutter button down when taking a picture. Doing this will automatically activate the burst mode. As a physician, you get to document all the signs present on the foot of your patient. You can also use it record their movements and take note of anything important.

Auto Set Focus and Exposure

Most camera phones tend to take very blurry pictures when the autofocus is not turned on. For podiatrists, blurred images will not be very helpful in helping them document their work. The iPhone helps eliminate this worry.

Its camera is programmed to autofocus once activated. You will therefore not need to worry about taking the wrong pictures, or images that are not clear enough.

As a podiatrist, the iPhone is a must have, not only as a communication gadget, but as a way to document your work, and back up all your files.

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How toTake Better Pictures for Selling on Ebay

I wanted to share the tips I found for taking better pictures for your eBay listing. They say one picture is worth a 1000 words……  People get hung up on putting a lot of information into the eBay listing but that is not always necessary.  Take good pictures to tell all.
  • Clean the item you are selling.  Make the item look good.  Don’t be lazy. Ahem that goes for me too.   At least, wipe the dust off the item before taking a picture.
  • Background for the Item.  Don’t take a picture of the item when there is a dirty or cluttered background.  You don’t want to give the impression that you item is dirty of smelly. Us a sheet or some type of solid color and place it behind the item.  Try to focus the attention of the picture on the item. If you can use a contrasting background. If the item is white then use a darker background.
  • Set the item on an eye level surface.  It will be a lot easier to take pictures if you item is on a table or countertop then trying to take pictures on the floor.
  • Natural sunlight.  It is always more difficult to take pictures when you don’t have enough light.  If there is not enough light then the camera aperture will be open longer, to gather more light, and your picture may come out blurry if you are holding the camera when taking the shot. Using a camera flash tends to cause shadows or wash out the picture with too much light.
  • Close Shots.  Adjust the camera to a close shot setting.  This will help with the detail of the item.  Try not to zoom in from a shot taken at a distance.
  • Perspective. I try to show perspective of the size and dimension of the item by placing a ruler in the picture. If you don’t have a ruler then use a second item that someone can easily reference the size.  Make sure the second item is stated not in this listing.
  • Different Angles.  Take pictures of the top, bottom and sides of the item.  This makes a difference.  If the item is a collectible than take detailed shots of the manufacturer identification on the bottom.  Ebay offers the first 12 photos in the listing for free so use them and take more pictures.
  • Photo Editing.  You could alway edit your photos with software if you really wanted to.   It really depends on what you are selling.  If you picked something up at a garage sale and try to turn it for a buck I may not what to spend my time putting a fancy border on the picture.
  • Use the best shot for the listing main picture.  The first picture is the first impression.

You can get more information about listing at www.ebay.com.

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A Trick to Selling on eBay

You can sell most anything on Ebay nowadays. In certain respects selling things on Ebay is somewhat of a cultureEbay. You may have never noticed this but have you ever been in a Goodwill store and noticed someone frantically going through and app on their phone with every item they touch.  That is because they are picking up items ad comparing prices on Ebay.  They are doing this not because the want a new toaster or another whatchamacallit.  They are looking on their phone app and wagering how much they can sell it for. Buyer beware, because it’s suspect that the people at eBay have wised up to this and tweaked the app to discourage this activity.  I have been told that the eBay price for the item you are looking at, on the app, may show higher than if you were looking on eBay on a computer.  If eBay were trying to keep prices down,  which is a good thing for us.. Right… then good on them.

If you do have something to sell on eBay they seemed to have simplified the process lately.  All you need to do is look for the item you’re selling and see if anyone else is selling it.  If they are you can click on the button, below the items picture, that says “have one to sell”. Have one to sellThen you tweak the information as you want it and its ready.   Of course, you can do a do an in-depth search for the items historical pricing and try to figure the best price but, for the most part, eBay has already figured that out for you.  EBay suggest a best-price for an auction-style listing and a fixed price listing.  They even suggest what the shipping will be.  My personal preference is that you find the box and packing material that you are going to ship the item in and then weigh it before you list the item.  You may want to even add a pound to the shipping to cover any weight variation.  I have accidently used the suggested cost and have had to pay for shipping out of my own pocket.

Ebay gives you a break on the shipping. They have seemed to cut a deal with USPS and the shipping costs.  For example,  if I were to sell and item and the shipping cost, paid by the person that won the item, were $15 the shipping by USPS through eBay would only be $10.  This means that you as a seller get to keep $5 of the shipping cost.  I know sounds good right…  Just remember to enter the correct weight when listing the eBay item.

So you may think you will be rolling in money by now. Wait.  When all is said and done the combine fees from eBay and PayPaly will set you back about 20%.  This is something to keep in mind if you are shopping at a resale shop and think you will be making money off the item you just purchased.  I intended to post about taking better photos for eBay on this post but I think that will happen on the next one.  Until then.

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